Dynamic Pest Control


(732) 505-3277

Bedbugs, Other Biting and Stinging Insect Extermination Services and Treatments

Don’t Ignore a Potential Bed Bug Problem

In the last few years, infestations of bed bugs have become more and more common.. These critters are once associated with dilapidated homes and overcrowding, but this is no longer the case. Bed bugs can be found in the cleanest of homes like fine hotels and even luxury apartment buildings. If you are worried that you may need a bed bug exterminator in Brick, NJ, Dynamic Pest Control will help you decide whether that is the case and the next steps.

Bees In Comb — Toms River, NJ — Dynamic Pest Control

What Exterminators Can Do for You

The first thing an exterminator is going to do is look around your property to determine where insects might be hiding. They will also determine how severe the infestation is. By doing this, it allows the expert to conclude what treatment is best for your situation. Exterminators have a variety of tools to help them with this task. If the location is an apartment or hotel, nearby rooms can also have an infestation and will need to be inspected.

Understanding Integrated Pest Management

In many cases, your bed bug exterminator in Brick, NJ, will provide an integrated pest management solution. This means that various treatments, such as freezing, steam heat, and pesticides, may be used and applied carefully to remove the bed bugs. This type of program may also involve managing pests by sealing crevices they may hide. Professionals can also provide you with information about understanding what you can do to avoid an infestation in the future.

Why Not Do-It-Yourself?

While there are many DIY methods to treat bed bugs, these are often not tested for effectiveness and may or may not help. A professional will only use products that are tested, researched, and approved for use to control bugs. This person will also have the needed training to apply these products properly and safely to control an infestation.

Choosing an Exterminator

Selecting a professional and experienced exterminator is important to ensure safe and modern technology is used to treat your infestation of bed bugs. If toxic chemicals are needed, you may be asked to leave the house during the application and for a certain amount of time afterward.

At Dynamic Pest Control, LLC, we offer pest control of ants, roaches, bed bugs, bees, beetles, and more. You can get in touch with us or learn more about our services by Clicking Here!

Our Biting Insect Treatments

Bed bugs and other biting insects such as fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes require a blood meal to develop, mate or reproduce. These bites are often painful and cause irritation and swelling to the skin. Even worse than that, biting insects can carry and transmit dangerous pathogens that can be fatal to humans. Most biting insects are extremely difficult to exterminate because they must be eliminated at all life stages: eggs, nymphs and adults. 

Several tick species can be found in New Jersey including the Lone Star, Brown Dog and Black Legged Deer tick. Ticks can transmit dangerous bacterial diseases including Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Lyme Disease. 

While fleas typically live and feed on animals such as cats and dogs, they will bite people and can transmit bubonic plague and other dangerous pathogens. Mosquitoes can transmit potentially fatal pathogens such as West Nile Virus and encephalitis. Bed bugs cause itch, red welts and can cause serious allergic reactions in some people. Because of their small size, elusive behavior, and high reproduction rates, it is recommended you call a professional pest control company like Dynamic Pest Control if you even consider you might have a bed bug or other biting insect infestation before a larger problem can occur. 

If you live around the towns of Brick, Lakewood & Toms River NJ don’t get bitten by these pests! Call us today to wipe them out through our biting insect treatments!

Stinging Insect Treatments

When it comes to stinging insects, residents of the Jersey Shore should be mostly concerned about bees and wasps. Their stings can pose a serious threat to humans; particularly those with allergies and sensitivities. Bees differ from wasps in many ways from appearance and stingers to preferred habitats and behavior.

Wasps are extremely aggressive when they feel threatened and may attack without warning. As they sting, they release pheromones that signal to other wasps to also attack. Some of the species of bees found in New Jersey include the honey, bumble, carpenter, ground and halictid (sweat) bee.

Wasps in New Jersey include the yellow jacket, cicada killer and paper wasp. If you notice stinging insects in or around your home or business, it is likely there is a nest nearby. Call Dynamic Pest Control immediately to remove the potential danger from stinging insect attacks.

We have the experience, skills, and equipment necessary to safely locate and remove stinging insects and their nests from your property near but not limited to Brick, Lakewood, and Toms River NJ.

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